Ron Guest – Senior Partner, TwoGreySuits
Ron has twenty-five years of business and HR experience as a practitioner, executive, executive coach and as a consultant to small/medium sized businesses in recruitment, management development, employee engagement, HR policy design and performance management. He has held executive positions in the Telecommunications, Computer, Hi Tech and Printing industries. Ron is a pioneer in behavioral interviewing and has interviewed over 8,000 candidates in his career. Ron has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University.
Ron can be reached at [email protected]
Barry Chapman – Advisory Partner, TwoGreySuits
Barry has spent over thirty years in Human Resource Management holding executive positions in the Health Care, Communications and Training industries. Since leaving corporate life, he led his own TQM consulting firm, ran a dynamic training organization and consulted extensively to small/medium sized businesses on strategic and operational HR challenges. Barry now acts in the capacity of Advisory Partner to Ron Guest.
About TwoGreySuits
TwoGreySuits was designed by HR professionals with a combined 80 years of HR on the job experience. We are an on-line one stop shop for HR needs of organizations primarily in Canada and the USA. We license our website, 2800 pages of downloadable HR documents and 24/7 HR Hotline to various organizations in various industries. It costs $595/year to be a member which entitles the organization to unlimited downloads and HR Hotline use. We started in 2004, and we have proven to be a valuable product/service to literally thousands of organizations to date. Recently we added the option to purchase documents on an individual basis vs. annual membership acknowledging market feedback we received.
We also license TwoGreySuits to Associations for a license fee to industry Associations depending on number of members. The Association then provides free access to all their members via the Association licensing agreement. If you belong to an Association, please refer them to TwoGreySuits as a potentially valuable member benefit they could license on behalf of all Association members.
What exactly is it?
Well, this is a product service which helps you to professionally hire, manage, engage and retain employees by doing it yourself, but doing it the professional/right way. Research has now shown beyond any reasonable doubt that if all people management things are done properly in an organization, there is a direct link to much higher employee engagement and also profitability!
There is zero downside to using TwoGreySuits information, forms, processes and policies to improve people productivity and engagement in the workplace. We have over 2800 downloadable pages, 300 frequently asked questions and the 24/7 HR Hotline for those times when you really need to talk with an HR professional. All of this is included in the $595/year price, no strings attached! There are many reasons you would use TwoGreySuits, here are just a few:
50 Reasons to Use TwoGreySuits and the HR Hot Line
1. I need a performance review form
2. I am hiring and need interview questions
3. I want to set objectives for my direct reports
4. I have an employee with attendance problem
5. I need a job description
6. I need an offer letter
7. I need a termination letter
8. I need a legal release form so we won’t get sued
9. I need to do an exit interview
10. I need a detailed reference check form
11. I need to figure out what behavioral competencies are important in the job for which I am hiring
12. I am a new Manager and I need to learn how to manage people, fast
13. I don’t know how to announce that we are implementing a new performance management system
14. I want to understand how you link compensation to job performance
15. We are setting up a new benefits plan and I don’t even know where to start
16. We want to do an internal job evaluation and need a robust process to do so
17. Our employees are spending too much time on Social media at work. We need a policy
18. I need to coach my employees to solve their own problems more effectively
19. I need information about effective listening
20. I want to build a stronger team
21. I want to know what is involved in developing a high performance organization
22. I need a final written warning letter
23. I need an attendance warning letter
24. I need to do a review for a probationary employee
25. I want to understand behavioural interviewing
26. I need behavioural interview questions
27. I want job descriptions done for everyone in my department and need a process
28. How do I track objectives of my employees?
29. I have never done an interview and need to learn interviewing skills quickly
30. I need to know the legal things you can’t ask in an interview.
31. I want to set up an employee referral program
32. I need to do a reference check on the phone
33. I need a confidentiality agreement
34. I need a change in control agreement
35. I need a consultant confidentiality agreement
36. We need a privacy policy
37. I am terminating and need an outplacement consultant to be here for the termination
38. We are under union attack, what should we do?
39. We need an Occupational Health & Safety policy
40. We need a complete HR Policy Guide
41. We need an Employee Code of Conduct Booklet
42. I need a holiday party policy
43. An employee has come to work impaired, what should I do now?
44. I need an orientation program outline
45. We are planning a large downsizing, how do we do this?
46. I am terminating someone and don’t really know what to say in the meeting
47. How do I know if a person is lying to me in an interview?
48. I want to understand more about implementing significant change in an organization
49. I want to give our new employees a document about how they can be successful in their new job
50. I don’t know the definition of “just cause termination”
We have almost all repeat customers, our product is strong and proven and supported by many testimonials. We are also not aware of any competitors at our price point or combination of value added HR services. Why wait? Sign up now! ..and start improving Employee Engagement in your organization!